Unable to receive emails. IMAP connections times out

I’m on vultr with latest build on Ubuntu 20.04. I set up a mail server and I can log in to the webmail and I receive emails wit no problem, but when I set up IMAP in Thunderbird, it does not connect and gives me a connection time out.
I read other help posts and and test using //email/testTo: and it tells me all errors and host is unresolvable message,

Any idea how I can fix this?
best regards,

Hello @ipoblete Happy you are here

There is no known record for plasticompostable.cl as seen in your screenshots. What is server domain?

where you are managing the DNS?

Hi, hope you’re fine,
Domain is plasticocompostable.cl
Best regards,

Did you setup mail.plasticocompostable.cl on CyberPanel? You should also add this subdmomain as rDNS record on your server (VPS/Dedicated server/Bare Metal server)

where you are managing the DNS?

HI, hope you’re fine too.
I’m managing and created at cyberpanel,
Best regards,

Your mail server is ok however you have this error

Cert VALIDATION ERROR(S): self signed certificate
So email is encrypted but the recipient domain is not verified

You will need to add mail server ssl certificate: Go to SSL → Mail Server SSL → issue ssl for mail.plasticocompostable.cl


Did you setup mail.plasticocompostable.cl on CyberPanel? You should also add this subdmomain as rDNS record on your server (VPS/Dedicated server/Bare Metal server)

Yes, added A record for www.plasticocompostable.cl and www.mail.plasticocompostable.cl pointing to IP; and MX poiting to mail.plasticocompostable.cl

I have not configured reverse because I have 3 domains in the same panel and I am not sure if doing it with one of them could generate problems with other two,

Best regards,


You will need to add mail server ssl certificate: Go to SSL → Mail Server SSL → issue ssl for mail.plasticocompostable.cl

Yes, I did. I did it again now,

Best regards,

To create a mailserver with cyberpanel its simple:

  1. Say you have server at 123.456.789
  2. You have your primary domain at plasticocompostable.cl and another plasticocompostable.co.uk and another plasticocompostable.org

To setup your mailserver

  1. Install cyberpanel 01 - Installing CyberPanel - Docs - CyberPanel Community
  2. Add default nameservers as ns1.plasticocompostable.cl and ns2.plasticocompostable.cl . You can create these on your domain manager accessible to you by your domain provider How to use CyberPanel as DNS Only Server!
  3. Create a website by the domain plasticocompostable.cl make sure to tick the boxes for DKIM keys and mail 2 - Creating Website
  4. Go to ssl and issue ssl certificate for your mailserver
  5. Create an email address and setup spam detection/prevention Install SpamAssassin and Stop Email Spam on CyberPanel!
  6. Now create a website for plasticocompostable.co.uk and check the boxes for mail, ssl and DKIM keys

Now any email created e.g. [email protected] will use the mailserver mail.plasticocompostable.cl

Consult your provider about adding rDNS. Most providers have any easy to follow guide

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