go into webadmin , on listener, add 2 more with 2nd IP (I don’t have multiple IP machine at moment, so in this case I will use an IPv6 to mimic second IP)
first one is for port 80 ,select IP you wish to use for this site , disable secure since it is not SSL , binding is optional to how many CPU you have on your server.
second one is for port 443 , same as above , but enable secure,
since this is SSL listener, so you must set a default SSL cert and key, as screenshots , you can grab the sites you wish to place on this IP.
Ok, thanks for the answers.
But how to choose domain while seting up listeners? i can not see any domain coloumn to enter or to choose.
How will i assign listener(ip) to specified domain?
When I try to create a new listener following this tutorial, the only IP address from the drop down list is the main server IP. My 16 additional IP addresses haven’t been mapped to the server, apparently.
Is there a guide showing how to configure the additional IP addresses and make them available for use with additional listeners?
I try to create a new listener following this tutorial, the only IP address from the drop down list is the main server IP. My 16 additional IP addresses haven’t been mapped to the server, apparently.
I try to create a new listener following this tutorial, the only IP address from the drop down list is the main server IP. My 16 additional IP addresses haven't been mapped to the server, apparently.
Please run a ip a command and see if all IPs are mapped there
I added listener for dedicated IP and added vhost to it. But when I open IP it shows me 404. But when I open website it shows fine. Also when I set IP to main cyberpanel IP in my local DNS it still opens the website. It means IP is not dedicated. I have latest Cyberpanel V2.
Hi, I can’t able to assign a separate IP for each website on a single server.
How to sort out this problem?
I can’t even know what should done?
please me out or send tutorials.