ERROR: Can't send email using cyberpanel snappymail

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Delete all SRV records and see if your issue is fixed

ok let me remove SRV records

What is your mailserver domain ?

deleted all SRV records now

see plz

You did not follow this ERROR: Can't send email using cyberpanel snappymail - #32 by josephgodwinke anyway is the issue resolved ?

no issue not resolved

ok but what is pending now to add or remove…i followed all the steps which you mentioned sir

these records are also old
see red area

correct image

i think these CNAME records are also different
can you see them

You are concerned about records which do not affect mail delivery.

Please try and now and confirm if issue is resolved.

Show me the results of //email/testTo: testing an email address of same domain

I just got this information from your test link " //email/testTo:"

still same error

Are you there?

Postfix’s Server Name Indication SSL mapping does not automatically point to the latest SSL certificates.

Check if the database and map exists ls /etc/postfix/ and ls /etc/postfix/

I hardly believe that any values are malformed in this db


postmap -F hash:/etc/postfix/

what about this red area A records?
Are these good in list now or should remove?

you mean its becasue of SSL …right?

Your records are fine. Please follow advice

sorry to say, can you tell me how to run this in CMD ?