ERROR: Can't send email using cyberpanel snappymail

after removing the records then i will be able to add new related records

Are you there sir?

Keep default_domainkey only. Delete everything else in that red box.

Yes. You can add the records as advised in previous post

ok thanks…let me perform these actions
wait plz

sir, i added these two records according to your instructions.

Are these records accurate now?

but I could not find “default_domainkey” values from the following list

Can you highlighte the default_domainkey" in following list so that i can add plz?

Seems you dont have DKIM keys.

Can you confirm you have DKIM keys here https://SERVER_URL:8090/email/dkimManager

Read through this Tto generate DKIM Keys How to Manually Set up SPF, DKIM and DMARC Inside CyberPanel

Also i added SPF record here…see plz

top 1 in the list is SPF

let me see this plz

Yes, here are DKIM records
see plz

All those cpanel records should be deleted. Leave autoconfig and autodiscover records for exchange accounts to work properly plus dont proxy those records.

Good now you need to copy the public key and create a default._domainkey in your cyberpanel dns manager.

Confirm this record is same as in cloudflare. Read this keenly to understand HOW and why to add this record [TUTORIAL] How to setup DNS configurations for CyberPanel

i added the here

i could not fin field to write" default._domainkey"

sorry it was my mistake. I just correct it …can you confirm it now here in screenshot plz?

Also added same default._domain key record in “cloudflare”

see plz

now what is need to do?

Is every record ok now?

Here is final cloudflare record