Cyberpanel Design - Error

I used the cyberpanel dark theme design, and wants to change it back now i get Server Error (500) anytime i click the design bar?

how can I fix this?

have you run upgrade cyberpanel yet ? if yes… when your last update ? just in case only need upgrade version to replace some error

i just fresh install another… its not popping the error anymore now but the loading balls when saving stays laoding but it saving new theme now

and… ? still get error ? or you already solved the problem ?

solved now

with “reinstall” ?

i get the error

design section
@usmannasir @shoaibkk [
XOTP2YLFM just incase u need check

update for my problem:

now i can open design but i cannot apply the design (from dropdown menu)

How did you solve the design 500 issue?

Clear your browser cache, I think javascript files not loaded in your browser.

it was not solved
it still cannot apply

if browser cache, i always set clear cookied,cache,image,history from my browser.
and nothing change…

so this is irrelevant

but actually before that everything is working… i try all…
i got 500 error when i change it too fast…
apply then change again and apply again
then 500 error
after several minuetes
i try again, i dont get 500error
but i cant apply… the pulldown menu working. the list is there
but after apply, it’s back to empty

i already try to put manual css
still same
apply…then empty

Go here → Troubleshooting CyberPanel

I added a section in bottom to enable Django debug logs, enable and share logs here.

ok… please wait

[03.20.2022_15-32-59] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[03.20.2022_15-35-12] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[03.20.2022_15-36-42] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[03.20.2022_15-36-53] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[03.20.2022_15-36-58] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[03.20.2022_15-38-04] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)


Perhaps CP should have a setting where you either SSH in or use FTP to disable “designs” in order to resolve the 500 issues.
And or have a setting to set it back to “Default” design.
But did you run the upgrader to see if design changes would work?

Also, you show your IP in the top left corner of CyberPanel. (I also think the IP should be under “version” instead of public shown.

Makes people more willing to make tutorials where they don’t have to show the IP.
But yeah story for another post another place.

yeah . but this is another story :smiley:

yes. i run upgrade script… and 500 eror is gone.
but… i cant apply the selected skin…

cd /usr/local/CyberCP/
source bin/activate
python dbshell
show tables;

give me output, when you run the last command.

1 Like

few second before i run


MariaDB [cyberpanel]> show tables;
| Tables_in_cyberpanel                 |
| CLManager_clpackages                 |
| IncBackups_backupjob                 |
| IncBackups_incjob                    |
| IncBackups_jobsites                  |
| IncBackups_jobsnapshots              |
| auth_group                           |
| auth_group_permissions               |
| auth_permission                      |
| auth_user                            |
| auth_user_groups                     |
| auth_user_user_permissions           |
| baseTemplate_cyberpanelcosmetic      |
| baseTemplate_version                 |
| cloudAPI_wpdeployments               |
| comments                             |
| containerization_containerlimits     |
| cryptokeys                           |
| databases_databases                  |
| databases_databasesusers             |
| databases_dbmeta                     |
| databases_globaluserdb               |
| django_admin_log                     |
| django_content_type                  |
| django_migrations                    |
| django_session                       |
| dockerManager_containers             |
| domainmetadata                       |
| domains                              |
| e_domains                            |
| e_forwardings                        |
| e_transport                          |
| e_users                              |
| emailMarketing_emailjobs             |
| emailMarketing_emaillists            |
| emailMarketing_emailmarketing        |
| emailMarketing_emailsinlist          |
| emailMarketing_emailtemplate         |
| emailMarketing_smtphosts             |
| emailMarketing_validationlog         |
| emailPremium_domainlimits            |
| emailPremium_emaillimits             |
| emailPremium_emaillogs               |
| filemanager_trash                    |
| firewall_firewallrules               |
| loginSystem_acl                      |
| loginSystem_administrator            |
| mailServer_pipeprograms              |
| managePHP_apachephp                  |
| managePHP_installedpackages          |
| managePHP_installedpackagesapache    |
| managePHP_php                        |
| manageServices_pdnsstatus            |
| manageServices_slaveservers          |
| packages_package                     |
| records                              |
| s3Backups_backuplogs                 |
| s3Backups_backuplogsdo               |
| s3Backups_backuplogsminio            |
| s3Backups_backupplan                 |
| s3Backups_backupplando               |
| s3Backups_backupplanminio            |
| s3Backups_minionodes                 |
| s3Backups_websitesinplan             |
| s3Backups_websitesinplando           |
| s3Backups_websitesinplanminio        |
| supermasters                         |
| tsigkeys                             |
| users                                |
| websiteFunctions_aliasdomains        |
| websiteFunctions_backupjob           |
| websiteFunctions_backupjoblogs       |
| websiteFunctions_backups             |
| websiteFunctions_backupschedules     |
| websiteFunctions_childdomains        |
| websiteFunctions_dest                |
| websiteFunctions_gdrive              |
| websiteFunctions_gdrivejoblogs       |
| websiteFunctions_gdrivesites         |
| websiteFunctions_gitlogs             |
| websiteFunctions_normalbackupdests   |
| websiteFunctions_normalbackupjoblogs |
| websiteFunctions_normalbackupjobs    |
| websiteFunctions_normalbackupsites   |
| websiteFunctions_websites            |
84 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [cyberpanel]>

Everything seems right and I can’t seems to reproduce on my end either.

try click apply click apply the design… (change all one by one… in fast…)
i have already connected to cloud…
do you need admin 8090 access ?

@shoaibkk @usmannasir ?
i juat upgrade
and nothing changed

need my login cred ?