Hi. I set up the emails and installed the SSL. When connecting it to Gmail, the pop server is connecting without issues. But when connecting SMTP it is giving mi SSL error.
Error: TLS Negotiation failed, the certificate doesn’t match the host., code: 550
Welcome @abdosarmini Happy you are here
You need to verify you mailserver domain ssl here SSL Checker type in mail.mydomain.com (change mydomain.com to the actual mailserver domain name) post results here
You have SMTP delivery issues. Check if you have unblocked all smtp ports in your firewalls? If this is digital ocean or linode contact your service provider to help you
I am using Hostinger VPS hosting. There is firewall section in the cyberpanel. Is it something there or in the Hostinger settings?
Also I checked from this site //email/testTo: and there is a warning in yellow
You have a Self signed certificate issue try these steps Self Signed SSL Issue · josephgodwinkimani/cyberpanel Wiki · GitHub
Did you try port 25 ?
Port 25 worked only with the not secure connection
Good that means your SMTP configurations are ok you just need to fix the ssl issues with link shared
I enabled the firewall by a mistake from cyberpanel and now I can’t access it. How can I turn it off using ssh?
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=25/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=587/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=465/tcp
systemctl stop firewalld.service
What did you do for this to happen ?
It is working now. I just hit the green start button in the firewall page and then I couldn’t access the panel anymore.
Stop firewalld from sshd and try fix your issue SMTP Server SSL Issues When Connecting To Gmail - #18 by josephgodwinke