I have 4 installs of latest 2.3.2 installed on Ubunutu64 22.04 VPS’s, two of which handle domain email for some low traffic users. SpamAssassin installed and working fine. I would like to be able to redirect email marked as spam by SpamAssassin to the junk folder. I tried two options. First was MailScanner install via CyberPanel webui. Install worked OK. Going to the webui showed the MAilScanner webui but Status of both was “NO”.
Commenting out following line from /etc/fstab
proc /proc proc defaults,hidepid=2 0 0
worked OK and MailScanner status showed both status as active or connected (from memory). The que showed email was being procesed but nothing showed in the processed mail figures or the list of messages processed and no spam was blocked in either direction.
So I then did a fresh install of OS / CP and then tried Dovecot Sieve. This installed OK but even though a known good filter was entered by webmail webui, it also failed to filter out spam emails sent with the matching trigger words in the email subject.
So I am at a loss to find a working spam handling solution with Cyberpanel at the moment. I can see comments made in in this forum back in Aug 22 about their being issues with MailScanner and they were being looked into.
Does anyone have a working spam handling solution they can suggest that works? I am happy to offer any help I can in testing etc as part of the community effort.
Cheers guys