Install on Docker in cyberpanel

Hi, good morning!

I am installing n8n ( on docker in my cyberpanel, but, without sucess.

I dont’t make SSL work e etc…

Can someone help me?

A tutorial link or a other solution…


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Actually, N8N in cyberpanel is a bit tricky to make it work.


1 - Create a Website, which will redirect to your n8n container (such as, do not forget to enable ssl for it

2 - Pull the n8n image and create the container. Some relevant information to add to your env data:

  • N8N_BASIC_AUTH_ACTIVE - TRUE // If you what to use login credentials
  • N8N_BASIC_AUTH_USER - USERNAME // Used with above information
  • N8N_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD - PASSWORD // Same as last one
  • WEBHOOK_URL - YOUR N8N URL // your full n8n url here, to enable webhooks, make sure you add https
  • VUE_APP_URL_BASE_API - YOUR N8N URL // same as above

Do not forget to add a persistent volume, in volumes, add:

  • /home/node/.n8n - /home/yourn8nurl/public_html

3 - Get it mind your forward port added and login into your ssh. Edit your /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf file with your favorite editor and add the following code in the end of the file:

extprocessor myn8ndocker {
  type                    proxy
  address                 http://yourcyberpanelip:yourport // http://123.123.345:3334
  maxConns                100
  pcKeepAliveTimeout      60
  initTimeout             60
  retryTimeout            0
  respBuffer              0

Save your file!

4 - Go back to your website created in the first step and edit it’s .htacess, adding the following code:

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
REWRITERULE ^(.*)$ http://myn8ndocker/$1 [P]

5 - Restart litespeed service and be happy!

If need help yet, you can call me, I’ll inform you my telegram account :slight_smile:


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