How to install php 7.0 in my CyberPanel?

Hello Please help me to add or install php 7.0 on my cyberpanel. I tried everything but nothing is working.

please check this screenshot where i want php 7.0

Version: CyberPanel 2.3.1 on Ubuntu 20.04

There’s only 7.2,7.3,7.4,8.0,8.1 php versions are available here. I need php 7.0

Login to your OpenLitespeed webpanel, at the following url:


Username is admin
Password you get it with this command:

cat /etc/cyberpanel/webadmin_passwd

At the OLS web admin, on the top left menu go to:
Tools → Compile PHP → PHP 7.0.33 → Next → Select “memcached” → Next → Next

Then run the command shown in the previous step, which should be:

sudo /usr/local/lsws/phpbuild/

If the command above fails with the error “mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt”, install it by using:


apt install libmcrypt-dev -y

CentOS / Alma / Rocky

yum install libmcrypt-dev -y

That will take some time depending on your server speed.
Some errors may appear, i didn’t tested it.
In case other errors show up, show us the last lines from detailed log.

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I did followed every steps you said but not working dude

I know it’s a big taboo on this forum to ask for this, but any error message? Or just, “doesn’t work dude”?

Because lsphp70 is still in the litespeed repo, it’s even installed by default ( along php53 ), it’s right there in /usr/local/lsws/lsphp70/bin/

/usr/local/lsws/lsphp70/bin/php -v
PHP 7.0.33 (cli) (built: Nov 22 2019 11:16:42) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.33, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies

I feels like your problem is more about accessing it, like it’s not listed in the dropbox choice dude?

Because I’m really sure you already have lsphp70.

Which os you have on server

I am doing this in php 7.2 but it gives this error. what would be the reason ?
OS Ubutun 22.04

make: *** [Makefile:652: ext/openssl/openssl.lo] Error 1 openlitespeed