PHP 7.2 - 7.3 - missing

Hi, I’m running CPanel 2.3 and I need to customize php 7.2 and 7.3 but I found out that they are missing.

I followed the post below, but I got LiteSpeed error (attached)
How can install these php versions manually?

Many thanks

Which os?
and can you show me the /usr/local/ directory

Ubuntu 22.04 (I know it’s not fully supported but I need it)

I’ve manually installed 7.2 and 7.3 on Ubuntu 22.04, but how do I tell OSLte to use them ?

apt-cache policy php
add-apt-repository ppa[image]ndrej/php --yes &> /dev/null
apt update

apt install php7.2
apt install php7.3

Many thanks