How to install NodeBB on CyberPanel

NodeBB is modern forum software. It is highly customizable, and combines all the advantages of today’s mobile and social web with the deep community engagement of classic Internet bulletin boards. Built on the high-performance Node.js platform, NodeBB can scale to power the largest and most active brand communities.

Step 1: Install CyberPanel and Create Website

You first need to install CyberPanel and create your website. Skip this step if you have already done so. You can also issue SSL for this website.

Step 2: Enable the epel-release Repo

The next step is to enable the epel-release repository. You can do so using the following command: Note: On CyberPanel servers epel-release is installed by default.

yum -y install epel-release

Step 3: Development Tools

Note that Development Tools are a yum group of the predefined bundle of software installed at once. Typically, these tools are used to allow a user to build and compile software from source code.

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

Step 4: Install Node.js and Some Dependencies

On the next step, install Node.js and other required packages for NodeBB.

yum install nodejs git ImageMagick redis npm

Step 5: Install latest version

Next, clone the NodeBB repository. Don’t forget to replace v1.0.0 with the latest stable version of NodeBB.

cd /home/
git clone -b v1.0.0 nodebb

Make sure to replace with your domain name.

Step 6: npm istall in NodeBB Directory

Once your repository is cloned, obtain all of the dependencies required by NodeBB.

cd nodebb
npm install

Step 6: Start Redis Service

Start the Redis service by issuing the following command.

service redis start

Step 7: Setup NodeBB

Now, initiate the setup script by running the NodeBB with the setup flag as follows. The system will detect your setup as a new installation, so you’ll be asked few questions about your environment like listening port number, hostname, etc. Note: Datebase name is redis.

./nodebb setup

Setup 8: Start NodeBB

Once NodeBB setup is configured, start it up to make sure that it runs as expected. Later we will run this application from OpenLiteSpeed directly.

./nodebb start

Now, you should be able to access NodeBB through the default URL http://:4567. After entering the URL you will see this page in your web browser.

Once you see the page above it means NodeBB is successfully installed. You can stop this process so that we can continue to set it up with OpenLiteSpeed.

Setup 8: Setup NodeBB with OpenLiteSpeed

Now open your CyberPanel Dashboard. Click on Websites > List Websites > Manage

After Clicking the manage button we will see this page:

Find and add this code to the end of the vHost Conf File shown below: Note: Replace with your domain name.

context / {
  type                    appserver
  location                /home/
  binPath                 /usr/bin/node
  appType                 node
  maxConns                100

  rewrite  {

  addDefaultCharset       off

All done! NodeBB is installed on CyberPanel backed by OpenLiteSpeed.

Great tutorial, Thanks
I want How to install NodeJS on CyberPanel
Please give me this tutorial

Here is the guide for node-js

When doing ./nodebb setup I got an error with the redis database password. How do I fix this? Full description here: redis authentication fail error · Issue #11347 · NodeBB/NodeBB · GitHub

Hey, I did everything that you mentioned. But When I go to my domain name then it continuously loads nothing is showing on screen.
What I should do? I don’t find any proper solution for that

Thank you, it seems like there is no EPEL for Ubuntu and I was unable to proceed further with this guide.