Hostname SSL Not Working? Or Am I doing it wrong?

Installed Cyberpanel fresh. Everything is working and I can access the panel via IP:8090.

Also, I added A record from Cloudflare to my server IP for

I wanted to access the panel via hostname. So I created a new website as first. Then issued SSL for hostname for the same domain - everything worked.

Restarted Litespeed too. Now when I go to I can see the OpenLiteSpeed page but returns nothing.

Am I doing it wrong?

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I am describing my workflow again.

Suppose my domain is

  1. Logged into Cyberpanel - added website - (with SSL +DKIM + Open directory
  2. Go to SSL - > Hostname SSL → Select → Generate SSL (Successful)

On Cloudflare end,
Added A record for - like this

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I think you want something like this → How to remove port 8090 from CyberPanel - #2 by lmilani - Blog Posts - CyberPanel Community

no. I am okay if I can access the panel using - but unfortunately that’s not working too! I can only access using the IP

You need to turn of CloudFlare proxy for panel subdomain, it won’t allow port 8090.

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Thanks so much. It worked.

You can add this info on this page - 2 - CyberPanel on SSL - 03 - SSL - CyberPanel Community so that other’s don’t face it :smiley:

I can´t change to SSL and still use 8090 port, is that possible? I followed instructions on 2 - CyberPanel on SSL - 03 - SSL - CyberPanel Community and SSL certificate is created but still 8090 is under non-SSL

I am locked out from CyberPanel - OMG !!!

  1. I issue an sslForHostName
  2. My domain is on Cloudflare
  3. When I access the IP:8090 It not working same for the domain:8090


Thanks, this worked!

I face the same problem too.

You’ll need to modify the panel’s prot to access Cloudflare’s supported ports
For example: 443|2053|2083|2087|2096|8443
Let’s assume that it is: 2083
Then you can access the