snappy-mail cyber panel default mailbox working perfect sending and receive emails but the pop server etc not work with gmail.
Using Snappymail admin show us your domain configurations for IMAP, SMTP
If you do not know your snappymail admin password Snappymail admin panel - not able to log in - #2 by josephgodwinke
Maybe you did not understand me correctly. Go to https://SERVER_URL:8090/snappymail/?admin
and click on Domains
run the IMAP and SMTP test . Post screenshot here
Now use those configs to setup on gmail
What should I use it for?
110 no ssl. Also try 143 it should also work with TLS
Use the mailserver domain no the mail subdomain of your specific domain e.g. if server has domain then the mailserver domain is usually Use that
I just told you not to use SSL. Please unchec SSL
This has nothing to do with cyberpanel. Your mailserver and email work perfectly. See issue below
Cert Hostname DOES NOT VERIFY ( != | |
So email is encrypted but the host is not verified
Issue mailserver ssl certificate to
Currently its issued to
What do I need to do?
Issue new ssl to your mailserver domain
PTR record is wrong it should be mailserver domain -