Dear developer

I know you will answer “up to you”


i like cyberpanel verymuch… speed, light
i love this community
but the bug always comming back

I want to move to cwp free. they dont have multiphp :stuck_out_tongue:

i know cyberpanel was @usmannasir and still his panel
so the flowchat, the work is depend on him.
but as a user
(free user lol)
im not usmannasir, i confused about website and domain
and the bug ?

i affraid i must change my free panel… :frowning:

What are you trying to say? what is there to confuse about website and domain?

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dear usman…
we talk about website and domain later
cyberpanel user will get used about it, just like me…


can you see this ?
I know that sometimes you add a command line or two. but sometimes when you add it you do it and test on a different version to the latest one. or maybe you use the version you updated for your develop process only. and when you give it to the public, it will conflict with the version we use because every day, every time we have a version that is always different

I use v2.1.x-dev branch for testing. The normal stable branch get updates when the tests are finished and changes are merged.

yeah. but the error always comming back
like now… im facing many bug…
one of them : wordpress installation error… because i upgrade my system about 7-15 days ago

Enable debug logs of CyberPanel and install WordPress and share the logs with me from CyberPanel main log file.

i will do this…

1 by 1 cyberpanel must more stable

where is the swtich ? :smiley:

i sent the log to you…

PHP version error ? again ?

I’ve a written a detailed guide here regarding CyberPanel main log file and how to enable debug logs.

Now people don’t want to read it, what can I do?

already found that tutorial from google and i have already sent the log to you

[03.15.2022_08-16-03] Error: Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

This is the problem, give me output of php -v

root@digiHub:~# php -v
PHP 7.4.3 (cli) (built: Mar 2 2022 15:36:52) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.4.3, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

before (about) 15 days ago, everything is ok. i always install and reinstall wordpress 
but after last update, i do not test all.... to busy :(

How about /usr/local/lsws/lsphp74/bin/php -v


Kindly open ticket in our cloud and give reference of this thread.

@shoaibkk please check,

I will post there

Ticket #DST1V7TXD

@usmannasir @shoaibkk

@usmannasir : i try to install wp right now
wp file : completed
database created: success
wpconfig: no problem
but still error

then i open wp-config… i copy password to notepad
then i open dblist

i just paste the password from wp-config
https://domain.tld/ [enter]

something is wrong with database

@shoaibkk did you check this ticket?