Changing PHP version not working on latest 2.1.2 update


I am trying to update my php version on several domains and subdomains.
All result in 0 changes.

I have run the upgrader several times.
I have an old 2.1.2 VPS set up, where it works.
I have made sure the PHP settings are the same (Copied the advanced tab from the working to the non-working).

Below is me entering the site (After clearing cache)
It does still show PHP 7.4.27

Same problem on root domain.

Still show 7.4.27

Error log.

Just ran the upgrader once more, same result.

try restarting PHP from here?

Sadly also tried.

Anyone got any suggestions to what i can try, because it’s starting to get annoying that I can’t change PHP version on any domains or sub domains at all.
It’s stuck with what I give them on creation.

This issue I personally faced for websites created under child domains in cyberpanel. When you pointed out the subdomains have permissions issue in some other thread, I realized the cause of this issue.

You might have changed permission level or its changed for whatsoever reason for which this error will surface for that reason.

Before usman adding the fix, what I did as temp fix for my sites was I converted child domains to website and there I could access the PHP version changes.

You will have to play with it.

But I am unable to understand why the upgrade command didnt help you because the fixes were applied.

Secondly, just open filemanager and click on fix permissions and retry.

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I will check and revert here.


I tried again, i deleted the subdomain using IP/websites/listChildDomains
And remove the root also.

And then re-create it as a subdomain, it did update the perms, but it sadly still gave the error.

Your right about making it it’s own domain fixed the permissions altogether.
I can change the PHP settings as needed, as long as it stays “root domain”

Putting it back as a subdomain under my root URL after works fine.
BUT you can’t change PHP from the root URL “list” over sub-domains nor inside the subdomain URL.

ex CP url

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It seems that PHP version is changing for me, kindly show me vhost conf after changing php version

Changed from 8.1.2 down to 7.0 on my subdomain
From the sub domain it self.

docRoot                   /home/
vhDomain                  $VH_NAME
vhAliases                 www.$VH_NAME
adminEmails               [email protected]
enableGzip                1
enableIpGeo               1

index  {
  useServer               0
  indexFiles              index.php, index.html

errorlog $VH_ROOT/logs/ {
  useServer               0
  logLevel                WARN
  rollingSize             10M

accesslog $VH_ROOT/logs/ {
  useServer               0
  logFormat               "%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i""
  logHeaders              5
  rollingSize             10M
  keepDays                10  
  compressArchive         1

phpIniOverride  {


module cache {
 storagePath /usr/local/lsws/cachedata/$VH_NAME

errorpage 403 {
  url                     403.html

errorpage 404 {
  url                     404.html

errorpage 500 {
  url                     500.html

scripthandler  {
  add                     lsapi:newst12763115 php

extprocessor newst12763115 {
  type                    lsapi
  address                 UDS://tmp/lshttpd/newst12763115.sock
  maxConns                10
  env                     LSAPI_CHILDREN=10
  initTimeout             60
  retryTimeout            0
  persistConn             1
  pcKeepAliveTimeout      1
  respBuffer              0
  autoStart               1
  path                    /usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/bin/lsphp
  extUser                 newst1276
  extGroup                newst1276
  memSoftLimit            2047M
  memHardLimit            2047M
  procSoftLimit           400
  procHardLimit           500

rewrite  {
  enable                  1
  autoLoadHtaccess        1

context /.well-known/acme-challenge {
  location                /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/.well-known/acme-challenge
  allowBrowse             1

  rewrite  {

  addDefaultCharset       off

  phpIniOverride  {


vhssl  {
  keyFile                 /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  certFile                /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  certChain               1
  sslProtocol             24
  enableECDHE             1
  renegProtection         1
  sslSessionCache         1
  enableSpdy              15
  enableStapling           1
  ocspRespMaxAge           86400

For subdomain I will check and let you know

Have you found any issues with it?

Hi @usmannasir
I faced with this in last version that you updatet last night , I don’t know if related to the permissions or it’s old
Just want to know is it possible that subdomain use the other version of php ?

There was an issue but it was resolved 1-2 months back.

It wasn’t resolved, at least it isn’t in the latest stable now.

up to 2.3.1 latest version

then change the php to 8.0
reboot server

let me know

this is not a solution
but we are trying helping you out step by step

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I tried. Updated cyberpanel last night but still unable to change php version.
What can I try next? I am doing a website migration but the export plugin doesn ot support this php version. Both add-on domain and main domain do not change since I updated cyberpanel 2 weeks ago

[EDIT] I have changed Vhost php version and now it worked

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This saved me yeah. @Hulst88
You are right, editing the Vhost individually works!

But changing it using any of the two options CP provides does not work for 8.0 or up.
It works for 7.4 sometimes.

And yes you would then also need to go into Edit PHP configuration to restart PHP.
Perhaps that should change, when you change PHP, it should restart PHP (At least for that vhost)

Here are the options that don’t work.

Option 1:

Option 2:

actually i have already post about this procedure
and request if developer can put 1 line to auto restart php after changed success

If you know the line and place, i can make a pull.

i dont know :frowning: