Can't recieve email on cyberpanel webmail

Hello dears,
i can send email from cyberpanel webmail (snappy) and reciver recieves the email. But whent that reciever sends email to a Cyberpanel mail account, the account don’t recieve.
Cyberpanel webmail--------->yahoo Ok (recieved)
Yahoo--------------->Cyberpanel webmail Nok (not recieved)
Cyberpanel webmail------>domainA Ok (recieved)
domainA-------->Cyberpanel webmail Nok(not recieved)

Any idea to help me solve this?

Hello @6hil

What error do they receive on their yahoo email ?

I have no error. Yahoo say sent. But can’t recieve in Cyberpanel

Check cyberpanel email queue

There is no message in queue

Did you follow these tutorials ?

Test your email address here //email/testTo: post a screenshot here of results

Yes but let me elaborate again:
I can send email from Cyberpanel Webmail and that mail are deliver right in the reciepient inbox (not spam).

The problem is that my Cyberpanel user can’t recieve email. ie when yahoo account send email, my user don’t recieve (at the yahoo end the massage is marked as sent). Same for other domains (Gmail, and custom domain)

Yes am only asking if you followed the tutorial so that I confirm that everythng was setup the cyberpanel way. As for the test should tell us the issues why you are not getting mail

i have 5.9/10 with this : We have not found a server (A Record) behind your host name**.com**.
i have lost 3 points there

You did not create a website for your primary domain ? Or you did not create mail domain for your primary domain. You need to create either and make sure to issue mailserver domain ssl.

This is why I asked you if you followed the official tutorials seems you didnt.

Sure i did. I created a main domain website and mail domainwebsite along with DKIM and SSL.
i have 3 domains
for DNS records i have records fecht only when i select
don’t have records fetched for
but i have have records for mail and maindomain listed in the records for maindomain

Does exist in your cyberpanel ?

yes mail.xxxx.zz exists in cyberpanel as A record

The issue is here. You need to set rDNS ptr record to , run hostname in ssh terminal and make sure an A record of exists.

PTR record is already set You asked me yourself to make that ptr points to mail.domain.xx .
You can dig -x on it you will see. That is why the yahoo delivery issue was solve.

I dont remember telling you this so I assume the issue is solved ?

in another thread yesterday.
i do not have email delivery issue from Cyberpanel. I have trouble for cyberpanel to recieve email incoming mail

No record exists of in your dns records. You have no such CNAME or A record. Go to List Websites → does it exist ? If not then you need to create it via sidebar Create Website →

that domain already created and exists.