I was trying to create e-mail list for website by uploading .txt and .csv file containing multiple e-mail addresses to my websites base directory. So the path I used was /home/domain.com/public_html/emails-list.txt.
However when visiting “Create Email List” page in CyberPanel dashboard via https://domain.com:8443/emailMarketing/domain.com/emailLists and providing this path I get this error:
cat: /home/cyberpanel: No such file or directory
I triple checked that file exists, has correct permissions and is writable. There are no error logs, so it is really hard to pin-point where exactly CyberPanel crashes regarding this task.
Run command touch /usr/local/CyberCP/debug try to access https://domain.com:8443/emailMarketing/domain.com/emailLists again and post the output of /home/cyberpanel/error-logs.txt . I consider you open these two side by side and tail /home/cyberpanel/error-logs.txt
Let’s try and see if its a CyberPanel only error by allowing debugging in our settings file nano /usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/settings.py
CTRL+W search for DEBUG = False and change it to DEBUG = True
Yeah, I did touch /usr/local/CyberCP/debug already, but /home/cyberpanel/error-logs.txt is empty. I’ve searched all over the place for any error line. Nothing.
I wonder why /home/cyberpanel/2647 is not created too. Since they contain successfully created domain, website data, I’d like to mention, that I initally created domain with domain.com and later I transformed it to website.
Take your time. Please mention/ping me if you can reproduce it (I suggest creating domain and then transfering it to website. Then try to create list. If that creates the error, then it’s for sure within /usr/local/CyberCP/emailMarketing/emailMarketing.py).
I can’t use quickfix since I can’t create ANY list because of this issue.