/usr/local/CyberCP/bin/python /usr/local/CyberCP/IncBackups/IncScheduler.py Daily
Current Commit: ba0831f6266538cfd0112db79c3f0d81bcc2301a
backups simply have not worked for weeks
When the script runs, the folder is created locally and on SFTP:
but ZERO files are generated in there
Here is the MAIN LOG FILE:
[11.03.2024_17-22-21] [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/cyberpanel/git’. [IncScheduler.git:90]
[11.03.2024_17-22-21] find cpbackups -type f -mtime +3 -exec rm -f {} ;
[11.03.2024_17-22-21] ‘tempStorage’ [119:startBackup]
[11.03.2024_17-22-52] https://api.github.com/repos/usmannasir/cyberpanel/commits?sha=v2.3.8
Who else is having this problem and will you please paste your LOG FILE OUTPUT after running the backup command:
/usr/local/CyberCP/bin/python /usr/local/CyberCP/IncBackups/IncScheduler.py Daily
The same here, I believe it is an issue in the latest version. I hope they fix it as soon as possible.
Thanks Hadi, do you get the same error in the log?
Yes, but the CyberPanel team announced a new update that should resolve this issue. I’ll run it and check the update again.
I am running it now, and its working for me with an SFTP connected backup
do you use local or SFTP ?
please try SFTP
Where did they announce it? So far about 4 different updates in the last two days and still full of bugs.
Confirmed working by SFTP and LOCAL
I am running the latest 2.3.8 188c0127d7cc0cb35c86ce562ef44ea18ff2fe14 commit
It backs up 1.6GB per minute so far
i’m also hopeful for a smooth period with litespeed
Remote backups still dont work.
At CyberPanel facebook group. I tested and it fixed the issue.
Have you tried to upgrade to the latest commit?
Yes I’ve updated both servers to latest commit, still dont work. Now it makes backups but dont transfer them to destination server.