Angular SSR now Running On Cyberpanel

Dear Cyberpanel Team ,
I have an Angular project with SSR and uploaded the dist folder which it has browser and server folder into public_html but SSR is not working could you please help me to run the Angular SSR server on Cyberpanel ,

Hello @ahmed1001

Did you setup nodejs and pm2 to consume this app ?

Hello Sir ,
Yes Already Installed

Hello Sir ,
Yes Already Installed how can i run main.js from server folder

Try follow this tutorial as its the same principles [TUTORIAL] How to deploy a NextJS website on CyberPanel and report back here

This solution does not work with Angular App

I believe you are trying to deploy different types of apps in same website with same instructions.

One is a SPA another is SSR.

So you need to deploy them separately e.g. for static app that is deployed with instructions like Angular SSR now Running On Cyberpanel - #5 by josephgodwinke just like a html site

AND that can be deployed with PM2 as seen here [TUTORIAL] How to deploy a NextJS website on CyberPanel OR [TUTORIAL] How to deploy a AdonisJS Application on CyberPanel

Thanks fot your efforts
I have two apps first one is django already deployed
second one is angular app
ssr is library i have been used in angular for SEO
and after generate ssr in angular app i got two folder first is browser which it has html and running website files.
and second is server folder which is running for SEO
now i used browser folder to run the website and it working
the server folder i do not know how can i run it on cyberpanel this folder has only js files

@josephgodwinke @usmannasir
Dear Sir,
Is there any solution,