Almalinux 9

So I’ve recognized the issue.

I was able to update to the latest commit of 2.3.5 which gave me the same file as you and I got the same error.
There is a bug in the file that limits it to urls matching regex “runContainer$”

Remove the $ from the below line:

    re_path(r'^runContainer$', views.runContainer, name='runContainer'),

So that it looks like this:

    re_path(r'^runContainer', views.runContainer, name='runContainer'),

then run:

find /usr/local/CyberCP/ -type d -name __pycache__ -exec rm -r {} \+; service lscpd restart && service lsws restart; killall lsphp

You should be up and running again.
I haven’t tested everything for docker to see if the issue also occurs on other urls so it’s possible that the issue may reoccur on other urls.
I will open a Bug report on github to have this resolved.