Wordpress upload size not increasing

I installed wordpress through application installer WP + LSCache. Wordpress upload size is 2mb. I updated from php settings. Screenshot is attached.

After php settings save i restarted php.
I restarted Lightspeed.
But still in wordpress upload size is 2mb. This is my 3rd wordpress installation and all three have limit issue.
I would prefer to have upload size from server default settings. Instead of using plugin.

But even if i use plugin to increase size it only increases the post upload size. But if i need install plugin which is more than 2mb i can’t.
Please setting page screenshot is attached.

Even in plugin settings i can see “Maximum Upload Limit Set By Hosting Provider”. I am not sure where is the limit.

Please suggest me best solution.
Thank you

Hello @iamkashifnadeem

Try to access WebAdmin console and try reload litespeed/ols from there. Make sure to kill all lsphp proccesses via ssh/vnc if easier for you.