Wordpress Upload Limit (Front End)


I hope that you will be able to help me. I have an issue where users cannot upload any file over 100MB (98MB is fine, 103MB is not) from the front end, but I can upload much larger files without issues via wp-admin. I use BuddyPress and Youzify and the Youzify upload progress bar won’t do anything if the file is over 100MB, but I also tried Forminator Pro and I am also not able to upload a file over 100MB, so I wouldn’t say the issue is with the Youzify per se.

I have these server setttings:

PHP max input variables 1000
PHP time limit 300
PHP memory limit 512M
Max input time 300
Upload max filesize 512M
PHP post max size 512M

Any help, please?

Hello @LittleX

Where did you set these php settings ?

Hello @josephgodwinke, thanks for your response.

I set the php settings in cyberpanel admin > EDIT PHP CONFIGURATIONS

The website is hosted on Digital Ocean and I use php 8.2. I tested this also on a different website hosted on AWS and php 7.4. and I was also unable to upload a file over 100MB.

I would also like to correct my previous statement that I was able to upload a larger file via wp-admin with no issues, I forgot that I had big files upload plugin activated, which allowed me to upload a file over 100MB, but that only works for back end uploads, not for front ends.

I hope you will be able to help.

Thank you.

Seems like a plugin issue. Kindly use WPForms or Formidable Forms that offer file upload functionality directly from the user-facing side of the website that have been proven to work.

Thanks again for your response, but this is def not related to a plugin because I am not able to upload a file over 100MB not even from the back end and secondly, I created a simple upload form in the root directory and I had the very same issue, any file under 100MB was uploaded without issues, but anything over 100MB resulted in endless loading…

if you are using a free cloudfare account - they limit the upload to 100MB

Yeah, I am actually using Cloudflare…

I wanted to test it out if this is really causing the issues, so I switched cloudlare to DNS only but without it I am not able to access the website for some reason, I am getting 404 error… :

Edit: It was SSL causing the 404 error…

And yeah, you are right… I disabled CF and I was able to upload larger file without issues.

Is there any way to bypass this?

CF yes, you have to upgrade to a paid plan
at that point you can also open different ports
but I so long as CF runs your Name servers, you cant by pass the 100MB upload limit. They watch and decypt ALL your in/out traffic ( big Brother)