Wordpress Remote Backups S3 - Error! Database not found


I’ve set up a connection with S3 for backups in Wordpress Remote backup option in Cyberpanel.
Unfortunately, then when I try to add a Website to the Backup I get:


Cyberpanel: 2.3.5
LiteSpeed Enterprise
Ubuntu 22.04

Let me check

I am able to add the WP site, can you turn on debug logs and tail the log file when you add the WP site to the schedule.

See this for logs: Log files on CyberPanel

Hello @usmannasir,

sudo -u trapi3089 /usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/bin/php -d error_reporting=0 /usr/bin/wp config get DB_NAME --skip-plugins --skip-themes --path=/home/trapi.cl/public_html/
[05.08.2024_02-15-29] yiYHS/4G7WbDy4lADkJv5yfnPAgiGAX4sudo -u trapi3089 /usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/bin/php -d error_reporting=0 /usr/bin/wp config get DB_NAME --skip-plugins --skip-themes --path=/home/trapi.cl/public_html/

This is what I get in the Logs.
It seems like /usr/bin/wp does not exist.

These sites were imported from another Cyberpanel with the importation tool.

Hello @usmannasir .

This is a new VPS with sites imported from another Cyberpanel with the importation tool ( REMOTE BACKUPS).

sudo -u trapi3089 /usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/bin/php -d error_reporting=0 /usr/bin/wp config get DB_NAME --skip-plugins --skip-themes --path=/home/trapi.cl/public_html/
[05.08.2024_02-15-29] yiYHS/4G7WbDy4lADkJv5yfnPAgiGAX4sudo -u trapi3089 /usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/bin/php -d error_reporting=0 /usr/bin/wp config get DB_NAME --skip-plugins --skip-themes --path=/home/trapi.cl/public_html/

Do you find anything strange in the previous Logs?

Best regards!

I run twice this code and make Wp cli work at least:

But there are no error logs appearing when using touch /usr/local/CyberCP/debug, just the 2 ines of code provided previously.