Wordpress + LSCache Installation failed. Error message: 'int' object is not iterable [404]

created a User and a website. I pointed the DNS to the IP and that all seems successful.

When I try to run the Wordpress + LSCache installer I get an error. “Installation failed. Error message: Data supplied is not accepted.”

I have removed the index file and tried a subfolder but keep getting the same error.

Installation Details
Starting installation…
70% Complete
Installation failed. Error message: ‘int’ object is not iterable [404]
Can anyone assist?


check that PHP extension ‘intl’ is enabled for your PHP version.

PHP → install extensions should look like eg if PHP 7.4 lsphp74-intl

There is an issue with OpenLitespeed and Wordpress, details here.

this is now happening to me i have php7.4 installed . openlitespeed says they fix