Wordpress install - Installation failed. Error message: ["/usr/bin/env: 'php': No such file or directory"," [404]"]

Using Ubuntu 22.04 (also tried 20.04). Following the instructions here 01 - Installing CyberPanel

Cyberpanel installation goes fine, but when I go to install WP+LSCache on a site I get the error: Installation failed. Error message: ["/usr/bin/env: 'php': No such file or directory"," [404]"]

How do I resolve this?

This is a fresh installation in a container. I’ve done this process before without issue several times so I assume there has been an update to Cyberpanel that is causing this problem?

You mean you have installed in docker container ?

It’s on a proxmox server, so LXC.

Ok I solved that error. I needed to run this

cp /usr/local/lsws/lsphp74/bin/php /usr/bin/php

Now I’m hitting this error

Installation failed. Error message: [“Downloading WordPress 6.5.2 (en_US)…”,“Error: md5 hash for download (83a7bbf2c19d8581d02a2e50bbf2ac26) is different than the release hash (b27d910fa66f1fcc1a0916d711bcddf3).”," [404]"]

Interesting. If I change to php v82 instead

cp /usr/local/lsws/lsphp82/bin/php /usr/bin/php

Then I get this error:

Installation failed. Error message: [“Downloading WordPress 6.5.2 (en_US)…”,“Error: Failed to get url ‘https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/wordpress-6.5.2.tar.gz’: cURL error 56: OpenSSL SSL_read: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading, errno 0.”," [404]"]

Please note LXC is not supported, so you may see problems here and there.

What do you mean by not supported?

We support KVM, OpenVZ, baremetal.

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I reinstalled with Ubuntu 20 (apparently that OpenSSL thing is an Ubuntu 22 issue). I still had to redirect php, but after that Wordpress downloaded and installed just fine.

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