When i Delete Domain, The Database not Automatically Deleted

Hello dev team

i forgot to screnshoot
but i remember,
after i delete the domain using delete link at : 8090/websites/listChildDomains

it’s lookline the automate was not delete the databaseof wordpress that i installed inside the domain

Actually, you just deleted the child domain. To delete the data from that website entirely, you need to access “:8090/websites/deleteWebsite”, and select the website you want to delete.

Otherwise, some data will be there. If you wish to delete just the database, access your phpmyadmin, select your db, and in Operations, click on Delete Database (DROP).

that will make me delete all “primary” website
in this case i just want to delete the “child/domain” not entire website

i know this
but at website (if im not wrong) the database and user will deleted too