Web terminal no connecting

I have cyberpanel 2.0.1 installed , but web terminal is not working for me

the port 5678 is opened in the firewall, but still same…

screenshot : Screenshot - d63d64b1825fedc75fc86484700cd673 - Gyazo

What could be the issue… ?
anyone Please help .

I do have ssl installed for the hostname, mailserver etc…
Please see this

I found the issue,
it is SSH port issue , when I change the SSH port to 22 ( default one), the web terminal will work… if I change to other it will not work…

I could acces SSH with the non default port let say 8258, ( already added in firewall).

so web terminal only work with default port ?

anyone help, plz


Can you open a ticket with server login details and paste ticket ID here.

Webterminal can’t connect if you custom ssh port;

  1. change you ssh port in WebTerminal > CPWebSocket.py > Screenshot by Lightshot
  2. restart cyberpanel service

if you enabled CSF in panel, add your custom port to firewall first.(Screenshot by Lightshot)