WARNING: /usr/local/CyberCP/public/imunify is not a directory (it should be created by the immunify deploy script). UI will not be installed

Hello, I have a server with cyberpanel installed where we configure cloudlinux perfectly.

Imunify 360, on the other hand, generates the following error to install:
WARNING: /usr/local/CyberCP/public/imunify is not a directory (it should be created by the immunify deploy script). UI will not be installed.

Not being able to manage immunify through cyberpanel

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PS. I’ve already updated the cyberpanel to the latest version, I’ve reinstalled the imunify and the error is the same

Welcome @cardosinhofsa Happy you are here

Have you tried the instructions here Imunify 360 not found! ( cannot put license key) - #2 by josephgodwinke

manage to fix…
the way you reported there does not work, because there is no folder /usr/local/CyberCP/public/imunify

For anyone having the same problem, the way to fix it is:

Go to where you install imunify…

put the key and ask to install.

When it is running log in as root go to:

cd /usr/local/CyberCP/public/

and create the imunify folder

mkdir immunify

or if you want to do it before installing it is also ok.

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