[v1.7-dev] Attach Git to your CyberPanel sites!


I’ve added an extremely improved Git Manager. Run upgrade code and upgrade to v1.9.5.

Then go to Websites → List Websites → Manage → Manage Git

Then click Attach Existing repo, most of the features are complete. I am adding a few more.

Remember to clear browser cache after upgrading, before releasing v1.9.5 officially there will be proper documentation to use each feature in the Git Manager.

I don’t understand, can I already upgrade to 1.9.5 or should I wait for the official release? Anyway, do you have any idea why you’re showing me this error?

When you upgrade using → 02 - Upgrading CyberPanel - 01 - Install/Upgrade - CyberPanel Community

It will ask for version number, input 1.9.5. You will switch to the beta branch with a new Git Manager.

Is beta usable for production currently?

So far no major bug reports from our internal testing. But I would not recommend to run on already running stable server with many sites for now.

However for older git integration if there are any bugs, I will not release any bug fixes because it is replaced with new Git manager.

In case I have problems with 1.9.5 can I downgrade to 1.9.4?

Yes, you can downgrade using the same method I mentioned above.

Will it be a secure method or will it cause server problems?

It is safe, you can upgrade or switch versions.

Great thanks

So, I tried to upgrade choosing the 1.9.5 at the version select but, after process, from the backend I see that I’m on version 1.9 build 4E

It seems there is no way to switch to 1.9.5. What I’m wrong?


Fixed the version number display with this commit → improved git file changes · usmannasir/cyberpanel@5968359 · GitHub

Along with the completion of viewing changes of the file in certain commit.

You can run upgrade again and input 1.9.5

I’ve upgraded to 1.9.5E but can’t see the new Git Manager

Do yo know why I can’t see the new Git manager?


Added documentation → How to use CyberPanel Git Manager For Complete Automation - Blog Posts - CyberPanel Community

Before using the feature better upgrade again to v1.9.5 branch to get the updated code.

Yes the Gitlab integration now works fine.

Can’t anyway find the area where to put the automated scripts to run after each commit

Sorry going to add now.

Thank you!

Added → feature: run custom commands after git commit/push · usmannasir/cyberpanel@595fc6f · GitHub

You can specify commands using Git configure. (You will have to upgrade and clear browser cache)

I leave you some feedbacks, this is my deployment script:

git merge
/usr/local/lsws/lsphp74/bin/php /user/bin/composer install --prefer-dist -n -o
yarn install --no-progress --silent --non-interactive
npm run prod --silent

curl -X DELETE “https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/062b88abd0d8ffe89d684a804228b8d1/purge_cache” \
-H “X-Auth-Email: [email protected]” \
-H “X-Auth-Key: f46411e1819b260ba358fbb8c06c7eef845ca” \
-H “Content-Type: application/json” \
–data ‘{“purge_everything”:true}’

  1. Can’t save the Repo Settings window, and that error message appears:
    Operation Failed!
    Data supplied is not accepted, following characters are not allowed in the input ` $ & ( ) { } ; : ‘ < >.

But in the commands text area I should be able to put ALL characters I want, elsewhere I can’t for example purge the CloudFlare cache (that require json data in the request)

  1. Run Commands when Webhook is fired. Currently: False still remains to False also if the checkbox is selected.

  2. Refreshing the manageGit page and reopening the Configure popup, the commands and previously set fields are RESET, blank values for all.

  3. Refreshing the manageGit page I MUST reconfigure the Git Host, Username and Repo Name clicking on View/Steup Remote button, elsewhere I got an error selecting the Branch.