[URGENT] Finished the LiteSpeed trial and now ?!

Hello, my LiteSpeed trial has finished and I need to get back to openlitespeed. How is this done?
I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and I just tried:
wget http://rpms.litespeedtech.com/debian/pool/main/focal/openlitespeed_1.6.19-1%2Bfocal_amd64.deb
and then
dpkg -i openlitespeed_1.6.19-1+focal_amd64.deb
But after a reboot my webserver is not back up. Cyberpanel would work but all my websites are down. Am I missing any step?

I found the solution,
thankfully it automatically creates a lswsbak folder when upgrading to litespeed enterprise

first backup Litespeed isntallation
mv /usr/local/lsws bak/

Then move the old openlitespeed installation config
mv /usr/local/lswsbak/ /usr/local/lsws