I am trying to resolve the annoying REST API / cURL error:28 issue in my Wordpress install. I have asked several times about this but have not found anything solid on here or online. I would not like to do anything that would ruin my server and I am fully up to date on CentOS 7/ LS and WP.
Is there anyone who is prepared to help with this? It does seem odd that CP is not using the most recent versions of cURL? @usmannasir
It’s written in plain english in the last line “custom rules have been added to your .htaccess file”, like which custom rules? It’s pretty common for the wordpress rest-api to be blocked by plugins for security reasons, it’s hard to protect an API from brute force attacks. If it was a cURL error, it would have been cURL not found, not cURL timed out after 10001 milliseconds.
But hey, I did answer the original question of how to update curl with a link. If you don’t know why an error happens, just send the error.