Uninstall Cyberpanel

Hello All
need help to uninstall cyber panel please

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Hello @wafeQ Happy you are here

There is no script to uninstall CyberPanel. You will have to remove individual technologies:

## remove openlitespeed
systemctl stop lsws && apt-get remove openlitespeed || yum uninstall openlitespeed && rm -rf /usr/local/lsws
## remove power dns
$ systemctl stop pdns && apt-get remove pdns-server pdns-backend-mysql || yum uninstall pdns pdns-backend-mysql
## remove pure-ftpd
$ yum remove pure-ftpd || apt-get remove pure-ftpd 
## remove firewalld
$ service firewalld stop || systemctl stop firewalld && yum remove firewalld || apt-get remove firewalld 
## remove modsecurity
$ bash imav-deploy.sh --uninstall && yum -y remove imunify-antivirus* && yum erase mod_security 
## remove imunify360
$ bash i360deploy.sh --uninstall && rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/imunify360/ && /usr/sbin/cagefsctl  --force-update && /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --remount-all
## remove mariadb
$ systemctl stop mysql && apt-get purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common mysql-server-core-* mysql-client-core-* && rm -rf /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql

This will remove:

  • OLS

  • pure-ftpd

  • mariadb

  • firewalld

  • imunifyAV

  • imunify360

  • modsecurity

  • powerDNS

The best option is to reinstall the OS. I recommend Ubuntu 20.04 or Almalinux 8.4 if you still want to try CyberPanel.

That doesn’t remove a god damn thing!!