[Tutorial]How to add 2nd IP for websites

@lordmacio @uzairjhandeer use a different port like 81 etc

[Tutorial]How to add 2nd IP for websites under Ubuntu 20 or 22
Under Ubuntu 22 (and perhaps since Ubuntu 18) there is an new method to have your additional IP addresses accounted for.
We will use the new Netplan function of Linux.
1°) First Change the CHMOD to 0600 of the file /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml (the name of this yaml could be different in your case)
2°) Second change your file to have this 3 lines (you will see the complet file above)

XX.XX.XXX.XX/24 is your first IP (of your server) /24 is the code of the type of your IP (often your main IP has /24 code)
XX.XX.XXX.XX/32 is your additional IP /32 is the code of the type of your IP (often your second IP has /32 code . Ask to your provider if you have a doubt)
(you can add other lines for other additionnals IP)

Don’t use tabulation to indent your code. You must use only space for the indentation of the yaml code

3°) Third (after having saved you yaml file) You have to use SSL command:
sudo netplan apply
you can ignore this warning (WARNING:root:Cannot call Open vSwitch: ovsdb-server.service is not running.)

Now you can test that your new IP is taken into account with this SSL command:
sudo ip a

Here is the code of the complete YAML (XXX have to changed with your data)

# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'
      - XX.XX.XXX.XX/24
      - XX.XX.XXX.XX/32
      critical: true
      dhcp-identifier: mac
      dhcp4: true
        - XX.XX.XXX.XX
        - XX.XX.XXX.XX
        - XXX.net
  version: 2

@usmannasir, there is a bug with CyberPanel’s IPv6 feature that was rolled out. It adds new domains to the SSL IPv6 listener but it neglects to do so for the non-SSL IPv6 listener. I have been having to add these manually. Please fix this!