/tmp always full

by default it turns out that / tmp on cyberpanel only gets 1.5GB of capacity. for my website the tmp is full quickly. so that my website can’t function properly.

I want to ask, how do I increase the capacity / TMP in cyberpanel?

/ dev / loop0 1.5G 307M 1.1G 23% / tmp

I only found /tmp information to protect. can you help me how to increase /tmp capacity?

Problem solved.

I have made a new partition for TMP with a larger size and I am changing it to the /etc /fstab section

Type your comment> @hosteko said:

Problem solved.

I have made a new partition for TMP with a larger size and I am changing it to the /etc /fstab section


Can you tell me the script how to do that? i also have an issue

Same here!

To increase /tmp follow this command

root@user:~# nano /etc/fstab

and add this code

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nodev,nosuid,size=10G 0 0

save and reboot yout server with command

root@user:~# reboot

and check your tmp with command

root@user:~# df -h

Yoohoo and then your tmp hasbeen increase

I also had same problem, After several studies I have found this is happening because of gzip compression.

After that I’have turned off gzip compression using OpenLiteSpeed dashboard. Issue will be fix.

How did you solve this case please explain me more