There is no sftp destination in incremental backup

i saw this like:

but in my panel is just AWS option not sftp

SFTP is there but currently removed temporarily to fix some bugs in it. When the bugs are adressed, it will be added back.

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@die2mrw007 hi there, could this error be related? Restore Remote Incremental Backups - Could not connect to server, please refresh this page

Are there also bugs on the incremental backup to AWS?

Probably. But I am not sure. One thing I am sure is SFTP has been removed temporarily until the bug is fixed as per github branch of cyberpanel.

Is the SFTP in Incremental backup destination bug has been fixed?
I still can’t see SFTP.

It isn’t yet added. There is rclone method under progress and may soon arrive.

I’m somewhat taking the lead on the rclone feature. I have it working now, but in a very kludgy way. It will need some more work to become a proper feature that is useable through the CyberPanel GUI.

As it turns out, I’ve actually overriden the SFTP mechanism with rclone but that was just to make it easy for testing. But rclone supports SFTP (as well as 30-40 other cloud providers/mechanisms - such as OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, AWS etc…) so perhaps we’ll just do that for SFTP rather than fix whatever the SFTP problem is.

It will be released as a version of cyberpanel and announced in the community when ready. No need to check on progress.


still can’t see sftp… any update on it?

Honestly, best way is to make ssh docker container that limited to one way sync. even if you somehow leaked access keys you should still be safe. One way sync allows you to recover incase of backup becoming corrupt. If you want simple option you could just go with minio as backend host for restic and be done with it. No ssh or sftp needed.

There is rclone method under progress and may soon arrive.JJSploit