I am willing to know about the correct way to change the PHP version.
I am using CyberPanel 2.1 on CentOS 64 bit.
My current website’s used PHP version 5.6, in this version my all websites work fine but:
I am not able to take database backup through phpMyAdmin.
I am not able to take database backup through mysqldump .
Finally, I am not able to upgrade my websites.
My websites need to run PHP version 7.2 and 7.4.
When, I am going to change the PHP version then I received an error, which is attached herewith.
From this disable open_basedir Protection for that website.
Go to specific website https://SERVER_URL:8090/websites/emilia.com and click on open_basedir under files select disable select option under open_basedir Protection
Now I am able to change my PHP version as well as take database backup through phpMyAdmin.
When I was visited to “CyberPanel Log Files”, there’s no one error message.
I am currently not able to take database backup through mysqldump. When I am going to take database backup then an error message comes:
" Bash : … event not found"
Kindly mark the solution for the issue in the title to help the community. As for you -bash: !": event not found issue turn off history substitution using set +H
To change database user password go to https://SERVER_URL:8090/dataBases/listDBschoose domain for respective databse, click on Change under Password on respective database