SSL not installed despite success message

I want to install SSL on my domains. It is a procedure I’m quite familiar with because I have a few sites that were hosted on Digital Ocean. All the sites were issued with SSL for a couple of years.

Originally, they were in different droplets. But I consolidated them into one droplet last week. When I issue SSL to the domains, they were not working even though the success message was shown. Somehow, the SSL was not issued correctly, because I can see that my sites are still on the local issued SSL.

Although now I serve the sites through CloudFlare which solve the problem of accessing my sites through HTTPS, the problem remains.

What could I do?

I got the problem before I switched to CloudFlare. I was using DNS from Digital Ocean but I got the problems. Switching to CloudFlare was a solution to this problem.

I know something is wrong, but what I did was pretty straight forward. In fact, I redo everything on a new droplet.

  1. I set up CentOS,
  2. I installed CyberPanel.
  3. After that, I use CyberPanel to create a new website and install WordPress.
  4. Then I issue SSL.

Bump. The site is still not issued with SSL from LetsEncrypt even though it kept saying issuing success.

Reason was I hit my rate limit for letsencrypt. You can check your limit at letsdebug-toolkit
There is a weekly limit of 5 issue. I happen to be trigger happy. Kept clicking on SSL hoping something will come out.