
I tried everything but I am still not able to login to my snappyemail can you please guide me on how to fix this issue? I already added rDNS to my hosting company

what is the output of

systemctl status dovecot

Please I am experiencing same issues, how can this be resolved?

Hey there :wave:, I experienced the same issue but I’ve resolved it so that is why I decided to share my solutions with you.
All you have to do is go to your cyber panel control tab and click on SSL, issue new SSL to your Domain, Mail Server & Host and the issue will be resolved. I hope it works for you too

No, It only worked few moment or hours and stooped, so i don;t think it is the solution to it!

Yes, that was exactly what I did the same day I posted my issues and it seem to work for a moment and won’t work again until I issue new ssl.
How can one resolve this issue permanently?