✅ Simple javascript will add all websites to the backup on Google Drive

This simple JavaScript allows you to add all existing websites to the add website to backup to Google section instead of adding each website manually :smiley:

Detail: https://vutruso.com/them-backup-toan-bo-website-cyberpanel/

function sleep(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

async function addAllWebsites() {
    const select = document.querySelector('select[ng-model="selectedWebsite"]');
    const options = Array.from(select.options);
    for (let option of options) {
        const websiteName = option.value;
        select.value = websiteName;
        select.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
        await sleep(500);
        const addButton = document.querySelector('button[ng-click="addSite()"]');
        await sleep(2000);
        console.log(`Đã thêm website: ${websiteName}`);
    console.log('Hoàn thành thêm tất cả website!');


Hope they will help many people