Setting up high performance WP+Woocommerce site with Cyberpanel

Hi everyone,

So I recently setup a new Cyberpanel installation on GCP cloud but didn’t noticed any performance improvement compared to other providers, I intend to use it for my Woocommerce based site.

As I read most of the WordPress managed hosting providers use GCP + Nginx setup for their offerings like Kinsta, Siteground etc. Or Paid server panels like Gridpane, SpinupWP, Runcloud, Ploi, D2C or Free options like Easyengine, WordOps, Caprover etc.

They all tend to use Nginx+FastCGI caching option or use Nginx server + Redis Cache for Woocommerce.

I have used most of them except Kinsta & SpinWP didn’t got time to try because I found about OLS & Cyberpanel:)

What I would like to know if any users who are more experienced with cyberpanel + litespeed server managing successfully their WP + Woocommerce stores, what settings are you using for your woo installations with Cyberpanel.

Can you share some information on setting up LScache plugin, using OLS or LS enterprise:
✓ Setting up LScache + CDN, do you use any page rules in Cloudflare.
✓ Image/Font Optimization tips.
✓ CSS / JavaScript Selective loading
✓ Using any other optimizations plugins with LScache
✓ Do you use Redis cache or Memcached with LScache plugin.
✓ Do you remove unnecessary CSS/ JavaScript from posts / pages.

I usually tend to use less than 30 plugins on most of the WP installations so the site load fast, but had a hard time to add cache exception on for Woocommerce site with Nginx + FastCGI setup on Runcloud service being a paid member their since past 2 years but still their stack needs to be optimized for woocommerce sites.

Hopefully someone has better ideas & can share their experience with Cyberpanel for Woocommerce sites.


Anyone ?

Set up litespeed + lscache and redis for object caching & your installation will be smooth & fast. I have no experience with OLS tho.

Edit - For CDN you can make use of cloudflare or jetpack just for the image cdn.

Thanks @Numeriku

That’s what I usually do but I was wondering when we enable Redis cache option in LScache plugin, does it just works out of the box or their is some extra steps involved.

I have installed Redis php extension “lsphp73-pecl-redis” in cyberpanel for PHP 7.3 & enabled Redis cache in lscache Object Cache option but I wonder if it’s working or not .

@CyberPanel can you tell me if above steps are correct or I need to do something more.


Thanks @Numeriku

That’s what I usually do but I was wondering when we enable Redis cache option in LScache plugin, does it just works out of the box or their is some extra steps involved.

I have installed Redis php extension “lsphp73-pecl-redis” in cyberpanel for PHP 7.3 & enabled Redis cache in lscache Object Cache option but I wonder if it’s working or not .

@CyberPanel can you tell me if above steps are correct or I need to do something more.


You will also need to install redis.

Follow the first part but just ignore the install redis php extension part.

If you are confused which part, its this.

Add the EPEL repository:
yum install epel-release
Install Redis:
yum install redis
Start Redis:
systemctl start redis

The rest can be ignored.

On the lscache settings page, advanced tab just enter then add 6379 for port, the rest can be empty.
Turn on Store Transients, Persistent Connection & Cache Wp-Admin on that same page.

On the same lscache page you should see this after saving all that.

Memcached Extension: Disabled
Redis Extension: Enabled
Connection Test: Passed

Enjoy your object caching.

@cloudrider , i am on the cyberpanel discord if you are confused on any part, note that i am not part of cyberpanel, just a community owner who have done all these steps before.

Thanks @Numeriku

I will try this out & contact you if necessary.

@cloudrider Let me know if it works, and how is the performance compared to the managed wordpress providers?

I am posting a warning here that BEWARE of using the LS Cache plugin with Woocommerce as so many conflicts and bloated. Most of the settings in that plugin is not even about Litespeed servers, it is just minify or stuff like that.

If you want to use Litespeed server you should activate server-level cache only to avoid some conflict with Woocommerce IMO.

Anyway Nginx FastCGI is cleaner because no need for htaccess files.

If you disable assets on some pages only, you are blocking browser from preloading so that can actually be worse.

Best thing I have found is do not use SLIDER plugins or page builder plugin. And to disable cart fragments in WooCommerce helps shared hosting.

And NEVER to use Jetpack… so slow!!!

There are so many bad (slow) plugins for Wordpress to avoid like –

If you follow this and lightweight theme then it will be fast both Nginx server or also any server too. Just not having slow plugins, you can win.

Type your comment> @peguke said:

I am posting a warning here that BEWARE of using the LS Cache plugin with Woocommerce as so many conflicts and bloated.

We have several clients who are using LS Cache with WooCommerce stores and have good performance without issues. You just have to pay a little bit of attention to the settings.