Server Keeps timing out

No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.


Can you please post a screenshot?

login to your litespeed web dashboard and then increase lsapi value

can you advise what the settings should be pleasae

is there any support available at all

increase lsapi value where can you please advise

I have done this and the issue is still there clearly cyberpanel is not supported

No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.

What version of Cyberpanel?
What version of OpenLitespeed?

I had a hell of a time with this back around Openlitespeed 1.16 or so and the problem for me was that Modsecurity was enabled.
I’ve since disabled Modsecurity totally and never had the issue reoccur.
I’ve used external firewalls since then.