i backup from cyberpanel A 1 website.
backup success and taking places to /home/user1/backup
i move it /home/user1/public_html
from cli root@cyberpanelB : i run this
4.a. cd /home/backup
4.b. wget http://domain.cyberpanel.A/backupfilename.tar.gz
at cyberpanel B i open restore
and… that happen
@die2mrw007 @usmannasir1 @usmannasir
I think you need to make and move it to /home/user1/backup folder. Have you tried remote backup option that is easiest way to move site to another cybepanel just fill old server ip and password cyberpanel do rest.
Re backup the site or try remote backup seem something not backed up
how come i can do this…
server A have:
at server B
i only need user1 backup
if i create home user1
restore still can run ?
afaik: it only restore on “no-match” username… or not existed website
file successfull uploaded to cyberpanel B /home/backup
already did (another thread, result…blank… only happen with server that i install after januari 2022)
for 2021 installer it working find
Remote backup - Support and Discussion / Web Server - CyberPanel Community
maybe @usmannasir @usmannasir1 can see this ?
February 5, 2022, 11:02am
I would give up and just manually migrate wp
yeah me too
but i stuck at email account
how to move the email account without changing the password
February 5, 2022, 11:26am
Maybe try deleting all backups and make new backup if something corrupted on old ones
already did
all option
include destroy new VPS then rebuild again…
that’s why i post here
because i already try all option that i know