Reinstall Cyberpanel , or redo the database setup step?

My cyberpanel also occur this issue Traceback (most recent call last):
File “” AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘execute’

Powerdns and Pureftpd not started, after I upgrade cyberpanel 2.0.3 to 2.3.1
then i used the upgrade command did it again, problem insisted, why powerdns could not start is
because it need to connect mariadb, and it saying mariadb missing a connector that i forgot the name
I tried to fix Mariadb by reinstall different versions, still not work
Upgrading MariaDB manually - Docs / 12 - Databases - CyberPanel Community

:warning: warning !!! carefully try these solution, it won’t save your day.
MariaDB Package Repository Setup and Usage - MariaDB Knowledge Base

My general review and rate on cyberpanel

  1. Cyberpanel is capable for runing few site similar with wordpress regards to lscache
    but not capable for many different site, because each site will need different setting, Centos web panel is doing well on this, cyberpanel is easy to use, centos web panel may find it complecate to use at first time, not a problem, you will get used to it very fast
  2. Cyberpanel it’s very easy to broken, like went i have issue to install some php module failed then i go to openlitespeed to re-compile the php. it may broken again. it will take you tons of time to fix it,
  3. does not have user php.ini setting for each user or website compare to CWP
  4. Openlitespeed/Litespeed is great, but not cyberpanel, guys need work harder on it, and cyberpanel install script need to update on time, some of the link has reached the end of life or remote link doesn’t have the file.
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