Redis - Connection Test: Failed on LS plugin

I elected to have Redis installed during the CP install.

“Redis Extension: Enabled” shows green and using port 6379 in the LS plugin.


*last command (for checking status) should be sudo systemctl status redis.service instead of -server

Install Redis daemon
yum install lsphp71-pecl-redis lsphp72-pecl-redis lsphp73-pecl-redis lsphp74-pecl-redis -y
yum install redis -y
systemctl start redis
systemctl enable redis

Type your comment> @andesjeslis said:

Install Redis daemon
yum install lsphp71-pecl-redis lsphp72-pecl-redis lsphp73-pecl-redis lsphp74-pecl-redis -y
yum install redis -y
systemctl start redis
systemctl enable redis

Thanks for sharing such an amazing Blog.