I have this errors in stderr.log
[STDERR] [UID:1006][1041] Reached max children process limit: 21, extra: 7, current: 28, busy: 28, please increase LSAPI_CHILDREN.
First time I have this error when there was have limit to 10 connections. there was this error:
[STDERR] [3372] Reached max children process limit: 10, extra: 3, current: 13, busy: 13, please increase LSAPI_CHILDREN
After that I increased limit connection to 15. But after few hours still have that error but for 15 connections.
Ok… I increased limit connection to 20. And now I have errors that I need more connections. Looks like I can increase connections to infinity and always will be have this errors demanding more and more connections
I checked my php process, usually I have 4 php process. Never seen more then 4.
I host only one site with low traffic. My VM is 2CPU with 8GB RAM on google cloud.
How I can fix this problem? Thanks.
I have OLS 1.6.20. Ubuntu 20. Cyberpanel 2.0.3.