rainloop email attachment limit

Hi, what is the file size limit for email? I want to know the maximum size (MB or GB) of file I can attach in email.
And how can I change the limit?


I fixed the problem by changing PHP max filesize limit.

PHP max file size limit not work for me? any idea

Check server php version and after change run killall lsphp

Hello, edited the increased php.ini “file upload” file settings and increased message_size_limit in: “/etc/postfix/main.cf” in server!

Later reload “postfix” service… with: sudo postfix reload

It worked for me, i hope can help in some way!

Hi here the solution

  1. Go to your email link:
    https: //your-domain:8090/snappymail/?admin

User name: admin
2. Log with ssh and go to this path:
Copy Password
TOTP: leave empty

  1. Change your size limit. Done!

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