PHPmyAdmin blank page


a few weeks ago we added an event to our database, that automaticaly updates one of our tables every few hours. everything seemed to be working fine. however after a few days (or a week, were not sure) we tried to log into our database using phpmyadmin and were getting a blank screen. we have not changed anything in the code and we did not do anything else to the database after adding an event to the database.

the blank page occurs at the url:

after the balnk page we started investigating and noticed that the file was missing for some reason so we redownloaded the file

we have checked that the database is still up and running as normaly its just that we cannot acces it thrue phpmyadmin.

we have gotten the mysql user password from /etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword

we have found that the password for the “root” or “cyberpanel” users might have changed, but this is not the case as we can log in to the database just fine using mysql -u {user} -p as both “root” and “cyberpanel”

the passwords set in the /usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/ file are correct for both “cyberpannel” and “root”.

we have tried this trick mentioned in this article but it did not work: How to resolve PHPMyAdmin blank page error CyberPanel? - Solveddoc

after this we decided to chek if the data is getting to the phpmyadminsignin.php file correctly. And it is indeed getting to it correctly. the phpmyadminsignin.php is receiving the root user and its password, however we can not debug this any further.

we tried to go to the url: directly but it just redirects us back to

we are running cybepanel version 2.3.1, out website is running on PHP version 5.6. everything was working fine after we added the event to the databse we changed nothing and now we get a blank screen. Any help would be apreciated.