PHP - file large upload - restarts without finishing

I am trying to upload a large file (800M) but when it gets to 703MB it restarts the upload and starts again.
I have changed php.ini and cant get it to work.

max_execution_time = 360
max_input_time = 360
memory_limit = 4000M
post_max_size = 4000M
upload_max_filesize = 4000M
upload_tmp_dir = /var/tmp

I have tested this link so it would be a clean php file (PHP File Upload)

Welcome and Happy New Year @juliomgm

Are you editing the php.ini of the correct php version ?

yes i am changing the correct php version 7.4

Please can anyone help. I have a server stuck because of this.

Have you tried a a different ISP?

I have other servers in the same location with different control panel and it work.

I was trying cyber panel in this server. but i cant get it to work because of this small problem.

edit: if i try to upload in cyber panel file manager the problem is the same.

Post a screenshot

file manager upload:

tmp file created

check server php version and update then also run killalll lsphp and systemctl restart lscpd
but FTP is recommended for big file