Open litespeed is not starting

I have tried all the commands in…

/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl help

After using " systemctl status lshttpd.service "

After using " journalctl -xe "

Whats the error? Why Webserver is not starting?

Share journalctl logs here, not able to open site.

journalctl logs…

Can’t see anything useful, can you share your story as to how it happened? you did something or is it fresh install?

Its a fresh Installation today morning. Then I am customizing my website then it happened.

BTW, what is the sense there in the journalctl logs like " Automatic restarting of the unit lshttpd.service, then a time "

Look into the Status of lshttpd.service its Activating. I have never seen this before.

Hey @asma are you able to understand the problem?

this is the error log…

Do you have user nobody and nogroup in your system? Is it Ubuntu?

Yes its Ubuntu. I don’t know, I have just Installed cyberpanel from Linode.

Now, I am re installing the cyber panel.

Can you install on fresh OS using → 01 - Installing CyberPanel - Docs - CyberPanel Community

Thanks @asma I have Installed CyberPanel again in a fresh OS ( Centos 7 ). Now its working perfectly.

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