Old Website Directory will not remove

Hello, trying to pinpoint why lets-encrypt won’t issue domains on my cyberpanel instance.

My logs show that I had an old user pid error from a deleted website user.
So I tried to remove that website’s home directory.

rm -rf /home/mstt.us

However, it throws back:

rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/.trash/.bash_history’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/public_html’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/.wp-cli/cache/plugin/wolf-playlist-manager-1.3.2.zip’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/.wp-cli/cache/plugin/wolf-events-1.2.4.zip’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/.wp-cli/cache/plugin/wolf-visual-composer-3.6.2.zip’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/backup/status’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/backup/backup-mstt.us-07.22.2021_19-00-07.tar.gz’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/backup/backup-mstt.us-07.23.2021_19-03-31.tar.gz’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/backup/backup-mstt.us-07.21.2021_19-00-09.tar.gz’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/.ssh/authorized_keys’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/logs/bwmeta’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/logs/mstt.us.access_log.2021_09_15.gz’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/logs/mstt.us.error_log’: Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove ‘mstt.us/logs/mstt.us.access_log’: Operation not permitted

Anything I can do to remove this old website data so lets-encrypt won’t keep failing to issue certs?
In error logs, it looks like it tried to hit that pid for this old website and fails to issue any certs unless manually issued.

Welcome @frankpanduh

Kindly post the result of this command

rm -rfv /home/mstt.us/